What is so special about carnivorous plants ( Venus fly trap ) that a society with over a thousand members exists to share information about them?Carnivorous plants are predatory flowering plants that kill animals in order to derive nutrition from their bodies. They share three attributes that operate together and separate them from other plants.Carnivorous plants:Venus fly trapCapture and kill preyHave a mechanism to facilitate digestion of the preyDerive a significant benefit from nutrients assimilated from the preyTo put it in more human terms, carnivorous plants eat things like insects, spiders, crustaceans and other small soil and water-living invertebrates and protozoans, lizards, mice, rats, and other small vertebrates. Carnivorous plants pull off this trick using specialized leaves that act as traps. Many traps lure prey with bright colors, extra-floral nectaries, guide hairs, and/or leaf extensions. Once caught and killed, the prey is digested by the plant and/or partner organisms. The plant then absorbs the nutrients made available from the corpse. Most carnivorous plants will grow without consuming prey but they grow much faster and reproduce much better with nutrients derived from their prey. To know more about Carnivorous plants, This APP shows: 1. carnivorous plant2. types of carnivorous plants3. examples of carnivorous plants4. carnivorous plants names5. how many carnivorous plants are there6. list of carnivorous plants7. largest carnivorous plant8. carnivorous plant nursery9. carnivorous plant aquarium10. Venus fly trap11. venus fly trap care12. venus fly trap flower13. biggest venus fly trap14. venus fly trap food15. what to feed venus fly trap16. venus fly trap seeds17. pitcher plant